Minggu, 16 Februari 2014

Glossary English Developing Competencies 3


Glossary English Developing Competencies 3


abortion /ə'bər∫n/ (n) an operation on a pregnant woman so that she will not have a baby

abuse /ə'bju:s/ (n): improper or excessive use or treatment

accomplished /ə'kΛmplı∫t/ (adj): having considerable talent and skill

accusation /,ækju'zeın/ (n): a statement accusing a person of a fault, wroding or crime

accuse /ə'kju:z/ (v) to say that sb has done sth wrong, is guilty of sth or has broken of the him of lying

acid /''æsıd/ (adj) having a bitter sharp a taste; sour: a lemon is an acid fruit

advantage /əd'va:ntıdЗ/ (n) a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favourable position compared to other people

advertisement /ædvər'taızmənt/ (n) a piece of information in a news paper, or a poster, etc.

advise /əd'vaıs/ (v) to tell sb what you think he/she should do

after /'æftar/ (n) later than sth: shelley called just after six o'clock

against /ə'gεnst/ (n) touching or leaning on sb/sth for support

agree /ə'gri/ (n) to have the same opinion

amazing /ə'meızıŋ/ (adj) causing you to be very suprised: she has shown amazing courage

announcement /ə'naυnsmənt/ (n) a statement that tells people about sth

argument /'argyumənt:/ (n) an angry discussion between two or more people who disagree with each other

attitude /'ætətud/ (n) the way that you think, feel or be have: social attitudes and beliefs she has a very positive attitude toward her work.

author /'əθər/ (v) to be the author of a book, a report, etc

awful /'əfl/ (adj) terrible; very serious: a have some awful news for you

allowance /əlaυəns/ (n): a small sum of money paid regularly by parents to a child so that the child can make his or her own purchases

animated /'ænımeıtıd/ (adj): full of liveliness or activity

appreciate /ə'pri:∫ieıt/ (v): to recognize with gratitude (certainly appreciates your kindness)

approve /ə'pru:v/ (v): to give formal or official sanction to : ratify

artificial /:a:t'fı∫əl/ (adj): humanly contrived often on a natural model; man-made

aspire /ə'spaıə/ (v): to seek to attain a particular goal


ban /bæn/ (v): to prohibit especially by legal means (ban discrimination); also : to prohibit the use, performance, or distribution of (ban a book; ban a pesticide)

bare /beə/ (adj): not covered by clothing

barn /ba:n/ (n): a usually large building for the storage of farm products or feed and usually for the housing of farm animals or farm equipment

basis /'beısıs/ (n): the bottom of something considered as its foundation

bear /beə/ (v): to give birth to

biodiversity /baıəυdaı'vЗ:sıti/ (n): biological diversity in an environment as indicated by numbers of different species of plants and animals

block /blסk/ (v): to make unsuitable for passage or progress by obstruction

bloom /blu:m/ (v): to produce or yieldflowers

blossom /'blסsəm/ (v): to open into flower

boundary /'baυndəri/ (n): something (as a line, point, or plane) that indicates or fixes a limit or extent

bouquet /'bəυ'keı/ (n): a bunch of cutflowers that have been specially chosen or arranged


campaign /kæm'peın/ (n): a connected series of operations designed to bring about a particular result (election campaign)

capital punishment /'kæpıtl pΛnı∫mınt/ (n): punishment by legal killing

capsize /kæp'saız/ (v): to cause to overturn

case /'keıs/ (n): a set of circumstances or conditions

catastrophe /'kə:tæstrəfi/ (n): a terrible event in which there is a lot of destruction or many people are injured or die

chamber /'t∫eımbə/ (n): room

character /'kærıktə/ (n): one of the people portrayed in a book, play, or film

cloud /klaυd/ (n) to make sth less enjoyable; to spoil sth: the festival wasclouded by violence between rival gangs

charming /'t∫a:mıŋ/ (adj): having the power to delight or attract people

circumstance /'sЗ:kəmstæns/ (n): a condition, fact, or event accompanying, conditioning, or determining

climate /'klaımıt/ (n): the average course or condition of the weather at a place usually over a period of years as exhibited by temperature, wind velocity, and precipitation

clone /kləυn/ (n): to make an exact copy of an animal or plant by taking a cell rom it and developing it artificially


exciting /ık'saıt̺ ıŋ/ (adj) causing strong feelings of pleasure and interest that's very exciting news

explanation /,εksplə'neı∫n/ (n) making sth clear or giving a reason for sth: that idea does't need much explation


fairy tale /'fearıteıl/ (n): a story for children about fairies or other imaginary beings and events, often containing a moral message

faithful /'feıθfυl/ (adj): consistently trustworthy and loyal, especially to a person, a promise, or duty

fancy /'fænsi/ (adj): expensive and fashionable

fare /feə/ (n): cost of travel

fate / / (n): force predetermining events

fertilise /'fЗ:tılaız/ (v): to unite a female gamete with a male gamete, thus enabling the development of a new individual to take place

fetch /fet∫/ (v): to go after and bring back somebody or something

fond /fסnd/ (adj): feeling love, affection, or a strong liking for somebody or something

for /fə/ (prep): in favour of, or in support of something

formation /fə:'meı∫ən/ (n): the process by which something develops or takes a particular shape

fragile /'frædЗaıl/ (adj): easy to break, damage, or harm, usually because delicate or brittle

fragrance /'freıgrəns/ (n): a pleasant smell


genetic engineering gender /'dЗendə/ (n): the sex of a person or organism, or of a whole category of people or organisms

global warming /:gləυbl 'wə:mıŋ/ (n): an increase in the world's temperatures, believed to be caused in part by the greenhouse effect and depletion of the ozone layer

gratitude /'grætıtju:d/ (n): a feeling of being thankful to somebody for doing something

graze /greız/ (v): to eat grass and other green plants in fields, or eat the grass and plants of a particular fi eld or fields

groan /grəυn/ (v): utter a moan

guilty /'gıltı/ (adj): responsible for a crime, wrong action, or error and deserving punishment, blame, or criticism


hail /heıl/ (v): to praise or approve a person, action, or accomplishment with enthusiasm

harmful /'ha:mfυl/ (adj): causing damage or injury

head /hed/ (v): to move or go in a specified direction or to a specifi ed position

hope /hoυp/ (n) a person or thing that gives you hope

horrible /'hסrəbl/ (adj): very bad, very unpleasant, or caused by anxiety or fear about something bad


icon /'aikסn/ (n): a picture or symbol that is universally recognized to be representative of something

imply /ım'plaı/ (v): to make something understood without expressing it directly

in vain /ın veın/ (adv): fruitlessly, pointlessly, or unsuccessfully

incite /ın'saıt/ (v): to stir up feelings in or provoke action by somebody

induce /ın'dju:s/ (v): to persuade or influence somebody to do or think something

innocent /'ınəsənt/ (adj): not guilty of a crime or offence

instruction /ın'strΛk∫n/ (n) teaching or being taught: we offer instructions in all styles of dance

interesting /'ıntrəstıŋ/ (adj) enjoyable and entertaining to do, think about, talk to, etc.;

issue /'ı∫u:/ (n): a topic for discussion or of general concern


judge /dЗΛdЗ/ (n) to act as a judge in court of law he said it was the heard est case he had ever had to judge

judgement /'dЗΛdЗmənt/ (n) the ability to form sensible opinions or to make wise decisions


lesson /'lεsn/ (n) a period of time when you learn or teach sth, ussualy not in school she teaches piano lesson

legalise /'lı'gəlaız/ (v): to make an activity legal by making or changing a law

lifeboat /'laıffbəυt/ (n): a boat used for rescuing people from ships in trouble at sea

lofty /'lסfti/ (adj): behaving in a falsely superior or haughty manner


manipulate /mə'nıpjυleıt/ (v): to control or influence somebody or something in a clever or devious way

manufacture /:mænjυ'fækt∫ə/ (v): to make something into a fi nished product using raw materials, especially on a large industrial scale

mate /meıt/ (n): a friend, also used as a friendly, or sometimes hostile, form of address to a man

moisture /moıst∫r/ (n): wetness, especially droplets of condensed or absorbed liquid or in a vapour

motive /'məυtıv/ (n): the reason for doing something or behaving in a particular way


neglect /nı'glekt/ (n): the failure to give proper care or attention to somebody or something

narrative /'næreıtər/ a story or an account opponent /ə'pəυnənt/ (n): omebody who is against a particular course of action or who does not support a particular cause or belief


orphan /'ə:fən/ (n): child whose parents are both dead or who has been abandoned by his or her parents, especially a child not adopted by another family


pattern /'pætn/ (n): a regular or repetitive form, order, or arrangement

phenomenon /fı:nסmınən/ (n): a fact or occurrence that can be observed

pile /paıl/ (v): to heap or stack things one on top of another

pilgrim /'pılgrım/ (n): somebody who goes on a journey to a holy place for religious reasons

plotline /plסtlaın/ (n): the plot or storyline in a book or dramatic presentation, or the dialogue needed to develop the plot

plot /plסt/ (n): events in the story of film, novel, etc.

portray /pə:'treı/(v): to represent somebody or something in words

postpone /pəυst'pəυn/ (v): to put something off until a later time or date

precipitate /'prısıpıtıt/ (n): to cause liquid or solid forms of water, condensed in the atmosphere, to fall to the ground as rain, snow, or hail, or to fall in such a form

predict /prı'dıkt/ (verb) to say that sth will happen ( often because have special knowledge to predict the results of the election scientist still cannot predict when earthquakes will happen

prevail /prı'veıl/ (v): to remain in general use or effect

pro-choice /prəυt∫əıs/ (adj): advocating open legal access to voluntary abortion

proficiency /prə'fı∫ənsi/ (n): competence in something, or knowledge of it

pro-life /prə'laıv/ (adj): in favour of bringing the human foetus to full term, especially by campaigning against abortion and experimentation on embryos

promise /'prmas/ (verb) to show sign of sth, so that you expect it to happen: the picnic promises to be a lot of fun

propagate /:prסpəgeıt/ (v): to reproduce a plant or animal or, cause one to reproduce

proponent /prə'pəυnənt/ (n): somebody who advocates something

purpose /'pərpəs/ (n) having an aim or plan and acting according to it: A good leader inspires people with a sense of


quit /kwıt/ (v): to give up, leave, or resign from a position or organization


rainfall /'reınfə:l/ (n): the amount of rain that falls in a particular location over a particular period of time

require /rı'kwaıə/ (v): to be in need of something or somebody for a particular purpose

restriction /rı'strık∫ən/ (n): something that limits or controls something else

revive /rı'vaıv/ (v): to come, or bring somebody, back to life, consciousness, or full strength

romance /rəυ'mæns/ (n): a love affair, especially a brief and intense one


scary /'skeəri/ (adj.): causing fear or alarm

scene /si:n/ (n): a view of a place or an activity, especially one presented in a painting or photograph

setting severe /sı'vıə/ (adj): very harsh or strict

shift /∫ıft/ (n): a change in position, direction, makeup, or circumstances

short-list /'∫ə:tlıst/ (v.): to put somebody or something on a final list of candidates for a position or award

soil /səıl/ (n): the top layer of most of the earth's land surface, consisting of the unconsolidated products of rock erosion and organic decay, along with bacteria and fungi

speech /spi:t∫/ (n): the ability to speak splendid /'spıendıd/ (adj): impressive because of quality or size

split /splıt/ (v): to divide something or be divided lengthwise into two or more parts, usually by force

statue /'stæt∫u:/ (n): a three-dimensional image of a human being or animal that is sculpted, modelled, cast, or carved

stuff /stΛf/ (v): to fill something by pushing things into it


tempting /'temtıŋ/ (adj): causing craving or desire to arise

terrestrial /tə'restriəl/ (adj): relating to Earth rather than other planets


unborn /:Λn'bə:n/ (adj): not yet born, but usually already conceived and gestating

unconditional /:Λnkən'dı∫ənl/ (adj): complete or guaranteed, with no conditions, limitations, or provisos


veil /veıl/ (n): a length of fabric, usually sheer, worn by women over the head and face as a concealment or for protection

vein /veın/ (n): any of the blood vessels that carry blood to the heart

velvet /'velvıt/ (n): a cotton, silk, or nylon fabric with a dense soft usually lustrous pile and a plain underside


wander /'wסndə/ (v): to move from place to place, either without a purpose or without a known destination

wisdom /'wızdəm/ (n): the knowledge and experience needed to make sensible decisions and judgments, or the good sense shown by the decisions and judgments made

wonderful/'wΛndərfl/ (adj) very good, giving great pleasure


Bahasa Inggris

Caleg Pilihan Radar Banten

Caleg Waringinkurung Serang

Caleg Kramatwatu Serang

Caleg Bojonegara Serang

Caleg Pulo Ampel Serang

Caleg Gunungsari Serang

DPRD Kabupaten Serang

DPRD Serang

DPRD Serang Banten

Jual murah Domain

Domain Cantik dan mudah diingat

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